JBS Hyrum WWTP Upgrade
Spindler Construction was selected as the general contractor for this project at the JBS Swift WWTP. The existing plant was in need of significant repairs and improvements. The renovations included pump stations, two 18’ deep aeration basins, two 22’ deep anoxic treatment cells, a bubble air diffusion system, a 52-ft diameter secondary clarifier, UV-light disinfection system, a new waste activated storage pond, new dewatering and chemical feed building, a ferric chloride feed system, and all associated piping, pumps and accessories.
Other work included demolition of secondary clarifier walkways, chorine contact chamber, magnesium hydroxide building, and paunch pad pump station building; construction of concrete drives and container storage turnout; and site restoration including gravel drives, parking areas and reseeding of turf areas. The existing wastewater treatment plant was occupied and operated during construction.